I got the moves like Jagger.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 | 10:23 PM | 0 comments

Yesterday was a blast. Yna and I went to Tyra's house right after school for buka puasa. We confronted each other after we had kind of a big row. And we finally let the cat out of the bag. Then we knew what exactly is happening between us. I know what they didn't like about me and they know what I didn't like about them. I felt so relieved untill I realized that I almost burst into tears but somehow I managed to control myself. Then we talked about our crushes and bla bla bla.

After those chit chatting and gossiping and whatsoever, I took my bath and we get ready for buka puasa at a restaurant which is near to Tyra's house. The food is not bad. I didn't say that it was good but at least it was eatable. Yeah, whatever. And as usual, we took loads of picture while waiting for our parents to pick us. Then they came and Yna and I took our bags from Tyra's car and off we go.

I sent Yna first to her house then my family and I went to pasar malam. We were there for just about an hour or less because we had to go after my grandma called. It's my baby sister, crying for milk, lol. I was so tired that I fell asleep in the car. When we arrived home, I went straight to bed and not realizing where did I put my phone.

This morning, I've looked everywhere in my house but still can't find it. I was hoping that I left it in the car last night so I waited for my dad to come home. My dad and I anxiously looked for it in the car when he got home. We've been searching for it twice. My parents said it must be somewhere in my bedroom. I said 'Nah, I've looked there thousands of time already'. Then my mom looked under my bed and my phone magically appeared, lol. I was flying like a G6 at that time but on the other hand, I wasn't because I've already planned to buy a new one. Ok just kidding.

So many things happened in two days time. Now my family is preparing things for hari raya and I seriously can't wait. Hoping that this year would be the best.

Past / Future

Hell-O Earthlings
This is my blog, my rules, my world.
No ripping, spamming, or any type of childish acts.
I ban those people.
So, hello?


I'm to the point in my life where I'd rather be hated for who I really am, than to be loved for someone I've been pretending to be. I'm allowed to say what I want, laugh how I want, do what I want and be who I want. This is my life and if you don't like it, then there's a problem with yours.

Past and Present