Hello 2012, let's not fuck it up.
Saturday, December 31, 2011 | 11:59 PM | 0 comments

We've finally reached the end of 2011. Everything happened in a blink of an eye. I never thought I'd went through all the fucked up pains and insecure nights. 2011 has taught me the real definition of life. I've been stronger than I thought. And oh, I have to be stronger in 2012 because I'll be facing one of the big exams - PMR. Hmph.

So here I am, sitting in front of the PC, want to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone I've bitched. Yes, it does sounds lame but I mean it. I swear. I don't know what will happen in the future but I guess everything's gonna be better than what I've been through in 2011 because I deserve it. Lalala.

2011 has been the toughest year I ever had. Too much pain and suffer (hahaha ok that was so melodramatic. i got carried away lol) but I had to admit, thereare happiness and joy too. I can't remember much of it but one thing for sure; Cody Simpson followed me on Twitter! Haha that is one of the best thing that ever happened this year. And I'll be sure not to miss Greyson's concert next year.

So thanks 2011, for everything. You've made me stronger and wiser. Now it's time for me to forget every nightmares of the past year and start my new life afresh. Happy New Year everyone! May it be the best year for you. And to everyone who has been such a jerk to me, it's your turn to get payback! Lol jk, no. I forgive you. xo

Past / Future

Hell-O Earthlings
This is my blog, my rules, my world.
No ripping, spamming, or any type of childish acts.
I ban those people.
So, hello?


I'm to the point in my life where I'd rather be hated for who I really am, than to be loved for someone I've been pretending to be. I'm allowed to say what I want, laugh how I want, do what I want and be who I want. This is my life and if you don't like it, then there's a problem with yours.

Past and Present